Painting, and more concretely oil painting, on small and medium scale canvases, provides the artist with the depth that allows for richer and more complex artworks, ultimately setting Tiago’s visual language.
Translating quick sketches of surrealist imagery into larger scale canvases exposes the artist further to his own technical and conceptual strengths and weaknesses and ultimately becomes the artwork’s main challenge – can it reflect both spontaneous expression and technical prowess, chance and a concrete goal, can it live within both abstract and figurative realms? Sensorially, oil painting evokes more with the artist as it seems to perfectly allow for the finding of more depth, meaning and pleasure in life through the elaboration of a new visual language.
This artistic surrealist Imaginarium introduces inexistent beings, places and things evoking commonly lived experiences on planet earth.
The merging of human, alien, flora, fauna and machine happen on canvas while the phenomenon is slowly taking place.